Helpful tips for the Self-quarantine DIET

Helpful tips for the Self-quarantine DIET

With the growing number of state and regional directives to stay at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to pay close attention to your mental health, as well as your physical well-being. Following are few good tips as we fight against this COVID-19 crisis:

Maintain your Mental Health


  1. Think positive and get active.

  2. Set your alarm clock. Wake up on time. Get dressed. You are not on vacation.

  3. Make a schedule for yourself with tasks to do during the day and the week. Keep yourself busy. If you are working from home, you already have some structure. But even if not, there are likely tons of house chores you've pushed off for months or even years. Now's your chance to get them done.

  4. Cut down on your time watching, listening to, or reading news. Pick a specific newscast or program to watch to inform yourself. Don't keep the TV on in the background, rather play some fun music .

  5. Limit your time on social networks. Sometimes, this type of digital technology can eat up your attention and time regardless of a world pandemic.

  6. Use Facetime to call and talk with people who make you feel good. You will not receive the same emotional boost from texts.

  7. Meditation, prayer, and other spiritual activities can lower stress levels.

  8. Try to get outdoors and spend time in open air.


Take care of your body

  1. Go to bed early and get a good night sleep, preferably more than 7 hours.

  2. A 30-minute workout once a day can help you stay in shape and drastically improve your mental health as well.

  3. Time to eat healthy. Explore health-conscious recipes, and try new foods that are rich in nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins.

  4. DRINK water. Lots and Lots of water..


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